Finding GMs for Fund1
Disclaimer: This site is just for fun. Please do not take seriously.
Hey There!
I'm Aaron Bai. If you're looking for my professional site (, this will be far from that. If you're looking for a financial service . . . no this is not a real fund.
As a chess beginner, I wanted a place to document my learnings publicly. It'll hold me accountable and hopefully help me finally win a match against my good friend Rohit Rustagi. Trust me, he deserves to be called out for how much disrespect he's put onto my profile.
My first time touching chess was when my parents enrolled me into a Chess Masters program in elementary school. It is safe to say that those moments were the peak of my chess career. I dominated the field of 8 years olds and earned the respect of my 14 year old instructors. But that was about it.
When I began studying at UC Berkeley, I was no match against my peers. But it wasn't until I was building my startup where I really met the man who would crush my chess ambitions: Rohit Rustagi. So now I'm here to grind my repertoire up so I can finally bookmark a win against him.
By the way, if you've read this far . . . I told you this wasn't a professional site.